Empowering Teachers

“Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions”

                                                                 – Unknown

A Teacher’s Struggles With Traditional Teaching Methods

Teacher's Struggles

In an average classroom, one teacher attends to around 40 students. With growing complexity of learning and swiftly decreasing attention spans amongst children, teachers struggle to maintain high levels of productivity.

That makes it harder for the students to undertake the best quality education and unnecessarily decreases the morale of the teachers. They have also borne the most burden in our recent past.

To relieve some of this stress and boost the effectiveness of education delivery, teachers need to shift away from the traditional teaching methods.

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Teachers and Education Technology

Teachers and Education Technology

Most people, including children, spend a lot of their time on cell phones or other devices. Teachers can capitalize on this amazing opportunity and utilize the attention-grabbing aspect of technology.  

In fact, education technology solutions can create much better outcomes and help the students actually learn things instead of memorizing things.

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Education Technology

Not only will that increase digital literacy amongst the teachers, but also allow them to pass it on to their students. E-learning also includes well-researched content that provides updated curriculum and lesson plans. So, teachers can focus more on imparting knowledge rather than scouring the internet and books for changes in the syllabus.

Improving Teaching Ability & Competency

One of the things about being a teacher is the need for constant evolution and betterment in your teaching abilities. Just like the syllabus keeps getting updated to be better aligned with current education, teachers also need to update their teaching strategies and methods.

Teacher Competency

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To make learning more personalized, a teachers need to focus on two things:

  • Understanding the student’s best qualities and traits
  • Recognizing their learning styles 
Teacher Competency

As Education Technology is growing at a rapid pace, it is the first and the most important thing that teachers must get used to. The most basic need of the hour is to understand how digital equipment like smart boards and computers work, to make the best use of the resources. They must also be able to use e-learning apps and web tools like the school ERP, student information systems, assessment systems, etc.

That’s just about the education technology side of improvements, but there are other things as well that can be changed. Most teachers in the rural education system don’t give any importance to the thinking and comprehension abilities of a student. Instead, they focus on covering the syllabus as soon as possible with the basic textbook knowledge. This is a very out-dated approach that can easily be changed by implementing more cooperative and personalized learning.

Along with these two things, a teacher’s ability to empathize with a student and ask the right questions, will help them be better teachers. Also, there are a lot of other things like Design thinking approach, SEL, extra-curricular learning, etc.

STEM Teaching & Future Trends in Education

STEM Learning

STEM education combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to have an interdisciplinary approach in learning. It also includes implementing innovative applied learning practices in not just the main STEM subjects but others as well. 

Some of the trends we expect to see in STEM teaching include an early start with students from grades 1-4. Starting that early is likely to craft a child’s thinking to perform better in higher difficulty STEM subjects. In turn giving them a head start.

It is also predicted that classrooms will have a combination of real life, artificial intelligence, artificial reality, and virtual reality mediums for teaching. This will enable a creative and thorough approach to practical and personalized learning. With this, we can also achieve another goal of increasing technology proficiency among the students.

Apart from the STEM trends, there is a growing need to focus on the student’s decreasing attention span. For that, the concept of nano-learning is gaining popularity. With nano-learning a student can watch bite-size videos or explainers about concepts to get an understanding in the fastest way possible. These explainers also feature innovative animations and creative visuals to hold their attention and provide comprehensive explanations. 

As technology starts developing, Education Technology Solutions for Teachers will also come into the picture more. Teachers can utilize them to provide better education delivery.

There is also another rapidly emerging trend of teaching interpersonal skills and making a student’s social skills better. Afterall, having social knowledge is the key to utilizing your technical skills in the right way and using it properly.

How iDEP Empowers Teachers to Improve Their Professional & Personal Lives

The Integrated Digital Education Platform is like a teacher’s personal assistant. It’s also a guide for them which reduces their burden and uplifts them.

From providing them with resources to training them in accordance with the highest standard of education, iDEP helps the teachers in all facets of teaching. 

iDEP - integrated Digital Education Platform

Here’s What iDEP Does for a Teacher:

Benefits of iDEP
  • A Digital app with fun and easy short videos that explain all concepts with a daily-life approach. Teaching resources and ready to use lesson-plans.
  • Personalized Lessons with freedom to use specific parts. They can also add their own content to the lessons. This personalizes each lesson in all the subjects.
  • Teachers have an option to upload, download, review and provide remarks for students’ worksheets and assignments.  
  • Chapter-wise detailed assessments and tests for each lesson from any given subject.
  • Exam preparation material with numerous mock tests and exam-pattern worksheets with answer keys, given for 10th standard exam prep. 
  • Teachers get access to detailed analytic reports for students and classes.
  • Faster and effective learning of application level from different concepts with the use of hands-on activities. These activities are encouraged in the STEM Learning Kits.

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